Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Lots of Catching Up to Do!!!!!

Sorry for the long break- I got really distracted and I kept thinking, well I need to post today, but I would so much rather be working on this project, or that project, and I just never got around to it. But now you get a nice, long, juicy post!

First up: My first socks!!! Eeeep! They are crocheted using this method, but instead of my iPod I used my foot. They are going through the wash right now, I sure hope the ball band is right and they survive! Okay, pictures.

This is the absolute first one. It isn't done in this picture, it was at the point where I wanted to start the second one to make sure I didn't run out of yarn. The yellow thing was a piece of scrap yarn I was using to hold the stitch on while I used the hook for sock #2.
More pics:

I loves them! (I also loves my version of grammar, why do you ask?)

Next up is a bag. I have many pictures of when this was a little baby afghan, then it grew up into what it is today. Such a touching story. Here are a lot of pictures of it growing:

Now a big huge jump to the point where I decided it was going to be a bag for many reasons, not the least of which is that it was ugly. 

That is a white fleece lining that really improved the outside look of it a lot. Magically.

I'm REALLY happy that it's gone, off my WIP list. Next item is on my WIP list, I just need to have a date with the sewing machine to finish it. And find some brown thread in the big box of thread.

No, I'm not hugely overweight. It's supposed to be like that, kind of. Go look here. Do you see what I did wrong? I cut the sleeves too far up, so they didn't take any width off the body. Big problem. But I fixed it. I'm gonna wear it with a belt! Then it will look like a stylish tunic that was meant to be like that! I hope. I just need to hem the bottom and the sleeves. Wish me luck!

This, is a pouch. It will be a smaller pouch once I make more wooly things to felt with it. It is currently very small, so there is no justification for sticking it in the washing machine all by its lonesome, is there? The flap is an accident. I somehow, while working in the round, managed to put two thirds of the stitches on one needle and the rest on another. So I evened them out, and worked back and forth to make a flap. The green part where I stopped knitting is bound off with a sewn bind off, because I couldn't think of what else to do.

OK, moving on. Lots of cute ornaments. The top is for my grandma, then aunt, then someone, then my best friend. The gingerbread man should look familiar from here, but I fixed his face. Much better, methinks! (Oh right, the link for the pattern is here, all I did was use worsted weight yarn and beads instead of thread.) I am loving the little bead eyes. Seriously. I also made a safety cone with them, but no picture yet so you'll have to wait. Sorry.

One more thing, then I'm done. For now. Cuz there's more, believe me. It's yarn!!!! I like yarn, especially when it's free, and these two skeins were gifts from an unofficial knitter and crocheter that I taught but needs to practice more and also doesn't understand the value of pretty yarn. I have no idea what to do with either! I didn't get a ball band, but it looks to be lighter than worsted. That's all I know.

Very pretty!!!!! Me likes it! (See up higher if you have an issue with my grammar.)

OK, stay tuned for more stuff and a safety cone. And some stuff. I like stuff.