Sunday, October 2, 2011

Wrapping up Crocheting

OK, this is wrapping up crocheting projects so I can get into present-tense posting. I'm kind of excited. Is that wrong?

This is my uncle's Christmas present. He likes chocolate chip cookies. I think it's neat, and I was pretty excited to find this pattern because I can never think of what to make him, especially since I would never be caught dead making stuff with the colors of his football team! :) Click here to see the free pattern. All I did was go back and forth with the tan part to make a back instead of going around the outside.

I like this little man. I was going to give him as a Christmas present to another uncle, but he didn't turn out so great especially since one of the scarf-receiving aunts is his wife. I know it's the thought that counts, but it still feels wrong. I think I'm going to make him this if I have enough time, and if I don't I have something else up my sleeve. Oh right! Here's the link. (OK, I can't find it right now. I'll keep looking, I promise!) Have fun. Do a better job than me. Trust me, it won't be hard.

I'm not sure if this counts as amigurumi, but the site is called All About Ami. Hint hint? Or not?  Well, it is pretty easy, although it is a little tedious. One bit of chains and then hours of single crochet. But the end result is super cute! I want to add a felt design, like in the tutorial. The tan one is kind of cruddy, as it was my first attempt, (great excuse, I know) so it doesn't get one. The purple one I think gets an orange. Here's the link. There are three versions on this site, so look at them all!

Meet Mr. Sour Pickle Man. He is one of the more recent projects I did, and even though he looks like an extremely moldy, green, peanut. Super easy, only single crochet, increases, and decreases. Basic amigurumi skills! Oh, and embroidering the face. The link. Yes, I did just discover hyperlinks and am now considering going to all the other posts I have and changing them. Why do you ask?