Wednesday, April 3, 2013


I am getting close to the end of 3 of 17 (and you thought I was going to forget), but there hasn't been any visible progress, so I'm recycling pictures:

because honestly, if that bugs you that much, how have you managed to stay here this longs? So now on to other stuff.....

I know I ended yesterday's post with sort of a cliffhanger, so I'm going to amend that right now. So you know how I said I love reading? I wasn't kidding. I seriously inhale books, and I've been doing it since kindergarten. After seeing my brother (in second grade) read the first few HP books, I wanted to, too. So my mom and I took turns, each reading one chapter aloud, until I decided she read too slow and just went and read it by myself. I haven't exactly slowed down since then, so I've decided to share my addiction with you guys! (Do you feel lucky? Because seriously, you shouldn't.)

Yesterday's description of The Return was the beginning of a new thing I'm going to try. I don't have a name for it, so it doesn't have a tag or anything (did you really think I thought this through?), but it's basically going to be book recommendations. I like to think I have a broad taste in books, but some of you may feel like I'm being really repetitive. I'm probably going to do it on Thursdays, since I'm never home on Thursday afternoons, and most of the time I don't end up posting. I'm not sure if I'll do it tomorrow, since I sort of did one yesterday, but whatever. I'll figure it out.

I hope you enjoy, and if you don't, then just don't come here on Thursdays. There'll be plenty of yarn addiction on other days! :)