Tuesday, January 3, 2012

As Promised-FOs and WIPs

Man, you don't post for two months, and then you get three in less than 24 hours?

This is one of the "unknown" projects. It's a tree skirt for my mom, which I started about the twenty-third, so I knew it wouldn't be under this year's tree. It's coming along, after some trouble in the beginning that resulted in bumps near the center and some strange overlapping issues. About four or five rows in, I learned that I crochet differently than most. I learned from a book, so I didn't know there were two loops you had to go through. I was actually crocheting through BLO or FLO (not sure which) without knowing it! This made a little thing in the center that actually looks pretty cool, so I kept it, and I'm doing the rest the "right way."

I took a picture of this as an afterthought: it's the Waterfall Wrap, which became the Waterfall Pillow, which is now the Waterfall Blanket, complete with a folded down edge.

I did the knitting for this a while ago, and I just recently felted it. It didn't get that much smaller, but it did get a little less scratchy, so that's fine with me. I still need to put a closure on it; I'm thinking maybe snaps instead of a button.

This is the beginnings of the Crown Braided Hat (I think) from Folk Hats by Vicki Square. I'm not really sure what the rule about posting pictures from books is, so if you don't have the book you'll just have to wait until I'm done! If I don't die from the six inches of ribbing first. I might have two by now, but then again I might not.

This may be Calorimetry from Knitty, but I don't know how much more 2x2 ribbing I can take. It's probably going to take a trip to the frog pond.

This is the hat! I love it! I used leftover Homespun from the baby sweater I made a while back, and I described the "pattern" in my last post. Or maybe it was two posts ago...

My dad's completed Advent calendar!!! (Yes, the handles are knitting needles!)

My mom's bulletin board. See the different ribbon? And the button? I hate that button...

Next time: More progress pictures for my WIPs.