Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Some Planning for 2012

Hello again! This post is a list of projects I want to do this year, and each of them will require me to learn a new technique.

OK, here's how this works. I have made a list of techniques I would like to learn this year, and matched them up with a project. For most of them, I have an idea of who a potential recipient could be, and I'm going to use colors that appeal to them. That way, I'll end up with some Christmas presents and have less of a rush next December! (OK, I had one present to make on the twenty-third that was finished in plenty of time, but this way I can make more.)

• Circular Needles-Tempting II from Knitty.

• Cabling-Staghorn Cable Scarf on About.com

• Beads-Lithuanian Wristers from Knitty

• Intarsia-Hipster (Knitty) charts on something simple like a small pouch

• Fair Isle-Fake Isle Hat on Spunky Eclectic

• Lace-Indigenous Shawl from Knitty

• Socks-Plain Vanilla Socks from Knitty Gritty

• Toe-Up Socks-

• Double Knitting-

•Extras: Buttonholes, Bobbles, Cabling with no cable needle (If I get done with all of these projects, then I will probably just do a swatch with these, not a whole project.)