-A woven wool rug from diy Network. This is pretty simple, but very neat! It would make a good stashbusting project, too.
-This is for sewers, but you need some power tools too! Here is a tutorial, also from diy Network, on how to make a flip top counter for your sewing machine. Ugh, I can't explain it, just go look!
-A cool button bracelet from diy Network (again. I kind of looked around on this site for way too long........)
-It's one of those stepping-stone things from, you guessed it, diy Network.
I did some serious work on the tree skirt this weekend. I got four rows done on Saturday, and three yesterday, bringing me to 7 total rows on the new chart.
(Up until this point, it will be HDC all the way, with a few increases thrown in here and there. 21 will be SC to set up for the shells, which will be Row 21.)
I got it to lay flat again! However, the edge isn't cooperating as well as I'd like, so I'm going to have to start increasing a little bit more.
I also finished something:
Yep! The felt doll is all done, after a disastrous attempt at the face. It was so awful, I had to cut off the hair and reattach it to the other side of the head to cover it up. Then I very carefully redrew the face, and while it wasn't as good as my practice (oh the irony), it looks fine, I guess. Here's what the hair looks like now:
And a closeup:
This picture took me way too long to get right. I was trying to show how the threads attached it to the head make it look like the hair is done in some kind of intricate braid or something. I think it's pretty cool, but apparently, my camera disagrees!
A little closer to her face, and I'm done! I'm happy to get this one of the list, because it shouldn't have taken as long as it did. I just have a (well justified) fear of drawing faces!