Tuesday, January 22, 2013


That is such a fun word to say! It's relevant today because I got a ton done this weekend. Shall we take a look?

1. I finished the second ruffle scarf:

and here they are together:

I think this is from Friday night, but I'm not really sure. I'm home sick today (blech), so I'll give one of these away tomorrow.

2. After much thought (okay, I just did it on a whim) I frogged the Blossom Scarf, and am now the proud owner of these:

3. With that taken care of, I didn't have any short-term WIPs, so I decided to go through the time-out bag. First, I dug out the sequin skirt, and decided to just pull them all off. Here's what it looks like now:

Well, sort of. As you can see, my picture taking skills haven't improved any. That's now done and officially crossed off the list!

4. Next, I found the t-shirt quilt stuff and a pile of t-shirts. I spent about an hour cutting them up, until I had these:

The smaller bag has the actual pictures, and the bigger bag has all the scraps. When I took this picture (Friday night) I had just shoved all the scraps into it, but I went back on Saturday and spent another hourish cutting off the ribbing, seams, etc. until I just had a bunch of rectangles. I took a cool picture of that:

Well, I think it's cool!

5. I had this dress:

You can't see from this picture, but the top is coming off the waistband in the back. It's also rather unflattering, and I wouldn't have worn it if I had fixed it, so I finished the job:

and now I have a skirt that I might actually wear. If that waistband wasn't so big. I may need to fix that.

6. I went shopping yesterday! Here's what I got: 

You didn't believe me when I said I was going to get more, did you? The purple is for my favorite teacher's birthday (next Monday) and the other one is for one of my mom's friends. 

More yarn! This is for this, which is going to be awesome. I was originally going to use Ocean, but I couldn't find it in two stores, and I decided to do this color instead. With a solid color, I don't have to worry about pooling or flashing or anything like that.

This will be used to make this. I've never done anything like this before, but it doesn't look too hard (remind me of this a week from now, please).

The two circulars are for the Teal Tween Top (henceforth known as TTT) and the DPNs are for Voodoo Wristwarmers. I already have yarn for these (I hope).

I also picked up another charm and beading needles. Not really sure what was going through my head, but those do not do what I thought they did.

This is for Yoda, which will be explained tomorrow, as this post is way too long already.