Friday, November 30, 2012

Coming Right Up!

Guess what I finished last night?

Yeah. That's right.

All four. Done. So guess what I'm starting soon(ish)?

Yes, I did get out all five needles. I figured that since I separated all five, I would keep all five separate. And I'm going to get something to put the beads in. Because that seems like a better plan than trying to get them out of that thing.

Unfortunately, I probably won't have any time to do things this weekend. I have a lot of stuff to do! :O But take a look at this:

I agree. And by the way, I guess Dudley has hung out with a lot of dementors! :)

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, November 29, 2012


That's what Mr. Snake is saying:

You know, now that he has a mouth. What I'm doing for the background is going back and forth and doing half of each stitch, then I'll go back up and do the other half. It'll work, I swear!

Today's picture is a quote from The Half-Blood Prince:

This always makes me laugh! I especially love how Michael Gambon does it in the movie.

Au revoir!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Sirius, Lupin, and Mad-Eye

Two posts! In two days! It's a miracle!

Now that that's out of the way, I have these two pictures for you:

This was taken this morning,

and this was taken about half an hour later. I went fast.
Anyway, I am chugging away, and feeling slightly more confident on a Friday finish. (Excuse me while I go check and make sure it didn't just catch fire.) It all depends on how tomorrow goes.........

And now, the obligatory HP picture:

It's true. Enough said. (I cry every time I watch Dumbledore die.)


Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Best Course of Action

Greetings, Earthlings! How about we pretend that I have posted every day this month, and that this post is super long because I did a lot, and not because I'm catching up? OK, here goes:

1. First up, an update on the HP cross stitch. I  think I already mentioned that I picked up the last color I needed, and I'm now done with the Hufflepuff!

Yay! I had already started the Slytherin, to save time, and here's what I have so far:

I just started filling in the curly stuff in the border. I'm not sure about a Friday finish, but I'm going to keep pushing through it!

2. I've also started planning for the rest of the pictures. This afternoon, I compiled the list of all the remaining colors I'll need. In total, I need to pick up 92 more (and that's without the Snitch, because it won't load). That's getting close to $40, so I've decided that my best course of action is to glare at my list and see if it shrinks.

3. I know I said this would be a long post, but I'm sort of out of stuff. All I've really been doing is cross stitching and real life stuff. I'm hoping everything clears up in the next week or two, because I really want to start my Wristers. I'm going somewhere cold for the holidays, so I'm gong to need them!

4. One last thing. Funny picture time!!!!

To be honest, I never really thought about that before, but it is a good point!

5. I lied. I have one more thing. At some point, I realized that the Hogwarts crest is just the four house emblems put together with some other stuff, right?

Well, sort of. Anyway, I was all annoyed with myself, because I really should have looked up the placement before I started, right? It turns out, I have it all right except for one thing. Gryffindor and Hufflepuff are switched! It's so frustrating! And it's not like I can just switch them, since they're both done.



Monday, November 19, 2012

Keys and Teapots

Despite my utter lack of posting last week, I've gotten some more done on my cross stitching:

I'm chugging along with it, and I'm still hoping for a finish by next Friday. And I mean done done, because I went to Michaels yesterday! I picked up a few things, including the last color I need for the center, and these charms:

Can you figure out the theme for these? Maybe this will help:

Yeah. I managed to find five completely unrelated charms at Michaels, and connect them all to Harry Potter. It's a talent. 

(I feel like I should explain those: the owl, the crystal ball, and the dragon are pretty obvious, and the key and the teapot are just weird. The key reminded me of the flying keys from the Philosopher's/Sorcerer's Stone, and the teapot made me think of reading tea leaves. I know, I'm crazy.)

Have a great evening! :)

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Huffle, huffle, achoo!

I made a lot of progress this weekend:

Yeah. I wasn't just saying that to look good. I actually did a lot of work on this one. Everything is done except for the 415 stuff and the backstitch that goes over it. Once I get that floss, I'll finish it up.

But wait, there's more!

Since the odds of me making it to Michaels and still finishing this by Thursday are really slim, I decided to start Slytherin:

That is enough to make up for what I missed, right? Anyway, I'll just keep working on this one, and hopefully I'll have gotten the floss I need before I finish it.

There was just one problem, though.

(And I remembered to take a picture of it! It's a miracle!)

One of those yellow stitches didn't get a second half. Inn my defense, they're kind of hard to see, but now I can feel it staring at me! I'm probably going to have to fix that.

Finally, I did a little bit of thinking (!) and I don't think I need to move any of the pictures around. The places where the crests stick up don't interfere with any of the other things, so it should be okay!

I am so doing this to my toilet!

I'm not really sure what the title means, either. It just sounds cool.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

What post?

OK, so I know I said I was going to have an awesome post yesterday, but I didn't. I had a few things that didn't go well, and by the time I would normally post, I made this guy:

look like the Class Optimist.

Anyway, I did actually cross stitch this weekend!

I think this was Saturday night.... maybe.

This is right now!!!!

My goal is to have this done by the 15th, and for the Slytherin one to be done by the 30th. I don't know if I can do it, but I'm definitely going to try! I did a lot of work on this while watching the election coverage, and other TV things. (I don't normally watch a ton of TV, but it very good for working on cross stitch!)

I am now going to show you how I am organizing my embroidery floss right now. I have six baggies:

that have bundles of thread in them. Each bundle has the label tied to it with the floss that has already been cut off. The bags are labeled by number:

and I just tole the numbers from the first website I clicked on. That's creativity, right there. As I get more thread, I may need to relabel them with smaller chunks, but this'll work just fine for now.

My other pastime for this weekend (well, not the only other one) was looking at funny Harry Potter icons. (If you're not a HP fan, you can stop reading now. Bye!) I'm going to put one at the bottom of my posts for a while, because they made me crack up laughing! Here's the first one:

I do actually like the Twilight Saga (cant wait for BD Part 2!) but I am loyal to HP! Have a great day!

Friday, November 2, 2012


The title really has nothing to do with what I'm posting about, I just like the word biscuits.

Anyways...... I'm just going to post this video for Harry Potter fans:

There's a lot of mechanics errors, but still kind of funny!

I'm taking Monday and Tuesday off, so you get an extra long post on Wednesday!

PS for Americans:
Don't forget to vote on Tuesday!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Free Versatile Scarf Tutorial

Hi guys! Today I have a really easy tutorial that can be used to make a few different kinds of scarves/belts/loopy accessories.


-sewing machine/hand sewing equipment
-fabric: something with a lot of drape. You can use this tutorial with a long rectangle, or some small pieces sewn together, or really anything

Step 1: Get your fabric ready. All I had to do was sew two squares together, but this may be more complicated for you. Once you have a big rectangle, you may proceed to step 2.

Step 2: Fold the rectangle in half lengthwise, with right sides together, and sew up the long side.

Step 3a: If you want a regular scarf, then just stitch up the short ends (make sure you leave a hole to turn the scarf right side out).

Step 3b: If you want an infinity scarf, then stitch up one of the short ends, and flip the scarf right side out. Stuff the closed end into the open ends, make it pretty, and stitch it up.

From here, you can wear this scarf in pretty much every way imaginable. Have fun!