Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Huffle, huffle, achoo!

I made a lot of progress this weekend:

Yeah. I wasn't just saying that to look good. I actually did a lot of work on this one. Everything is done except for the 415 stuff and the backstitch that goes over it. Once I get that floss, I'll finish it up.

But wait, there's more!

Since the odds of me making it to Michaels and still finishing this by Thursday are really slim, I decided to start Slytherin:

That is enough to make up for what I missed, right? Anyway, I'll just keep working on this one, and hopefully I'll have gotten the floss I need before I finish it.

There was just one problem, though.

(And I remembered to take a picture of it! It's a miracle!)

One of those yellow stitches didn't get a second half. Inn my defense, they're kind of hard to see, but now I can feel it staring at me! I'm probably going to have to fix that.

Finally, I did a little bit of thinking (!) and I don't think I need to move any of the pictures around. The places where the crests stick up don't interfere with any of the other things, so it should be okay!

I am so doing this to my toilet!

I'm not really sure what the title means, either. It just sounds cool.