Thursday, November 8, 2012

What post?

OK, so I know I said I was going to have an awesome post yesterday, but I didn't. I had a few things that didn't go well, and by the time I would normally post, I made this guy:

look like the Class Optimist.

Anyway, I did actually cross stitch this weekend!

I think this was Saturday night.... maybe.

This is right now!!!!

My goal is to have this done by the 15th, and for the Slytherin one to be done by the 30th. I don't know if I can do it, but I'm definitely going to try! I did a lot of work on this while watching the election coverage, and other TV things. (I don't normally watch a ton of TV, but it very good for working on cross stitch!)

I am now going to show you how I am organizing my embroidery floss right now. I have six baggies:

that have bundles of thread in them. Each bundle has the label tied to it with the floss that has already been cut off. The bags are labeled by number:

and I just tole the numbers from the first website I clicked on. That's creativity, right there. As I get more thread, I may need to relabel them with smaller chunks, but this'll work just fine for now.

My other pastime for this weekend (well, not the only other one) was looking at funny Harry Potter icons. (If you're not a HP fan, you can stop reading now. Bye!) I'm going to put one at the bottom of my posts for a while, because they made me crack up laughing! Here's the first one:

I do actually like the Twilight Saga (cant wait for BD Part 2!) but I am loyal to HP! Have a great day!