Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Don't Look Now!

Don't look now, but it's a post! For the second day in a row! And would you believe that, but this thing has more stripes!

There's a total of 11 (I think, I'm counting based off the picture), which means I only have eight to go! Although I did realize yesterday that I was going to need more white yarn. My mom thought this was hysterical, since when I was making this monstrosity, she bought me way too much white yarn. So now, whenever we go to Michaels, she always asks me if I need more white yarn. And last night, I had to ask her for more white yarn. And since the yarn needs to be the same, so there won't be a difference between the white stripes, I had to get a whole pound. It's like a never ending cycle of white yarn hate.

Anyway, I should be all set to finish Hugh now! Talk to you (dare I say it?) tomorrow!