Sunday, March 4, 2012

Our month!!!!

Wow! We have our own month! March is...... (drum roll please) National Craft Month!!!! 

It is also Irish American Month, Music in Our Schools Month, National Frozen Food Month, National Irish American Heritage Month, National Nutrition Month, National Peanut Month, National Women's History Month, Red Cross Month, and Social Workers Month. So that means, if you are a female social worker* of Irish descent that volunteers with the Red Cross, eats frozen foodpeanuts, and healthy stuff, and enjoys music..... Feel special!

*"female" and "social worker" are supposed to be two separate bold things

So the point of all that was, I'm thinking about adding a new feature to my blog. The first time I post each month, I'll have a list of things that month is. (I probably won't do the If you are...... because that gave me a headache!) Then, during the month, I will try to tie my post in to one of those things. This could be with pictures, words, links, or just about anything. I may also use the specific day. (For example, yesterday was Peach Blossom Day, among other things.) It will be weird, it will be wacky, and it probably won't work, but that's just how I am!

We now return you to your regularly scheduled blog post.

I was bad. I was very, very bad. I started the last square of my blanket! Or maybe that's good. But I barely did anything on the tree skirt before abandoning it! Here it is, two rows into stripe 3 of 15:

I worked on it for less than an hour last night, so it may be done by this time next week. I say that hesitantly, because this week will be a little hectic.

This is all the yarn I have left. I really hope it's enough, because this whole thing was supposed to be a stashbusting project, and buying more yarn for it might make me cry. Or be grouchy for a while, depending on how close I was. Hopefully, it won't come to that.

This is my entry for the art contest, and it is nowhere near done. I'm not sure when the entry is due, i.e. it being on the floor and easy to pick up and start anytime.

I've been rambling for a while, so here is a reward for making it all the way to the end of this post:

Mutant tomato!!!!!