Tuesday, March 20, 2012

UFOs! And a spider. It was scary!

This time, I mean that both ways. Today I will be linking in honor off Extraterrestrial (I spelled that right on the first try!) Abduction Day. Then, I will do a UFOs update. (I haven't finished anything recently... at least that I posted about.)

Oh! And I'll tell you about the spider. It was scary!

-First, an amigurumi alien from Crochetville
-An Alien Amigurumi pattern from Free Patterns by H
-Finally, a three-eyed alien from yarnyokel

-An alien headband from Bernat
-Super cuddly alien pillows from Red Heart
-A stuffed alien from treeknits

So now, for the UFOs.

This is the doll, which now has better fitting clothes and the start of some hair. It's a big improvement from this! The dress just got a new side seam on one side, and the hair is Take 2 1/2. The first time, I tried to do it with yarn, which came very close to working, but I messed up right at the end and I tore it all off in frustration. Then, I took an old pair of tights and I'm using the foot to frame the face. The 1/2 part comes from the part where I had to rip it off a little to cut out the heel and get rid of some bulk. I'm going to keep chugging along on this one, because it's going pretty well!

Ooh, look! It's the Secret Project! It's hiding in a little felt pouch, because it's still a secret! I haven't done much on this one lately, but I'm not going to give up.. yet! (give it a few more inches... that's when it'll get really unpleasant!)

It's the tree skirt, dropping in to say hello! How nice! What isn't nice is that my mother gave me the wrong measurements to base this one off. I had a lot more than 24 rows to do. Speaking of which:

20-483 This is where I'm supposed to be today.

I did about four or five rows between last night and this afternoon, which just caught me up to my usual level of behindness (five rows for one day). Luckily, it's still ruffly, and I won't be increasing for a while, so that will help. I might get another row in today. Maybe. So, I'm erasing the end-of-March goal, based on the fact I have a ton more left than I thought.

The odds of me finishing this are minimal. I have nothing to do it, and needle-felting really isn't my thing. I will probably use the leftover stuff as thrums, which I saw in this pattern from Knitty.

This little pouch? Well, let's just say I had completely forgotten about it! It's holding my t-shirt quilt pieces, which I posted about here, all the way at the bottom. I don't know what's going to happen to this, but it's taking up so little space, it won't be disturbing me for a while.

OK, now for one little doo-dad, then the spider.

Mustache! Which may or may not become a mustache-on-a-stick. I haven't decided.

Spider time! So last night, I was just hanging out, eating some really awesome taco soup, when I decided I wanted to toast a tortilla to eat with it. I went to take it out, when the little mini pan fell onto the counter. A spider came with it! I screamed. Loudly. I have no idea where it came from (I'm hoping not near any food) and it just popped out of nowhere! It fell on the floor, so I tried to capture it with a little pot until I could get someone braver than me to smush it. No such luck. It took me three tries to get the pot on the spider, and then I realized that the handle made it so the pot did not sit flat on the floor! The spider was able to crawl out from under it, so I tried to capture it with a cup, but it crawled away and I have no idea where it is! Which really makes me quite nervous. OK, see you guys tomorrow with   some cool crafts! Probably!