Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Ooh.. Look! I finished a piece!

OK, I was supposed to post yesterday, but I wasn't in the house yesterday long enough to do most of my normal things, let alone post! So here's Monday and Tuesday combined:

Hmmmm, empty needles? Could this mean....

Yes!!! The first blue square is done and attached to the other finished squares!! I am now 3/4 done with this project!

This is a close-up of my version of mattress stitch: it is only loosely related, but it works, and you can't really see it. Now I just have to make the last piece, but I'm so sick of this blanket I haven't even cast on yet!

Instead, I've been working on this, and since I finished the blanket I've done about two rows of HDC, which for some reason seems to take more than twice as long as single crochet. The radius of it (that's from the center to any point around the edge) is almost ten inches, so I'm probably just over halfway done. It would make it so much more interesting if there were color changes, or some kind of picture, but that won't happen for two reasons. First, my mom wants it all done in plain white, with no patterns, and second, I don't know how to crochet a picture! (I tried looking at filet crochet, but it gave me a headache!)

So for now, I am working on the tree skirt, and once I get completely bored with that, I'll switch back to the blanket. I would like to get at least one of them done by Easter........