Wednesday, September 12, 2012

An Interpretation

In accordance with my WIPs only rule, here is what I have been working on:

Don't freak out. I didn't do all of that in two days. I didn't even do all of that! My friend started this (a long time ago, I think) and ended up giving it to me. That was a few years ago, and I just now picked it back up. It's not too bad, but there is one problem. My friend had a bit of a loose relationship with counting. (Actually, I'm not sure she was counting at all, but that's not the point.) Also, she didn't do the quarter cross stitches right, but there is no way in this universe that I'm going to pick out all of the stitching to fix those things. Therefore, I have decided that I am doing an interpretation of the pattern.

Don't the eyes look weird? I showed it to my family, and we all agreed that they looked a bit odd, so I pulled out the picture, and it turns out that it's completely okay. Once I backstitch in the muzzle (snout?), it will be all good.

I'm pretty sure all I have left is embroidery and assembly, and I quite honestly can't wait to get this done. Next up? Hummingbirds.