Monday, September 10, 2012

FO: Gingerbread Ornament


Ha ha ha ha ha!

I am ludicrously happy right now!!!!! I have finished all the long-term crafting needed for Christmas!!!! (More about that in a second.) Here it is at 12:00 on Saturday:


And around 2:30:

All done, and I am thrilled.

OK, so for Christmas I am totally and completely done with everything on my list-except the etching. I am not counting those projects, because they will only take an afternoon. I just need to get an Exacto knife (I knew it would be bad luck to say I had everything without checking first!) and I can finish these, too!

The only thing I will have to do after that is wrap everything. I have thought about making little bags for each present, but I haven't decided if that is creativity or pure lunacy. Either way, that will be my final step, and I couldn't be happier. (How many times have I said some variation of that in this post? Is anyone else getting the notion that I'm happy right now?)

So now, the big question is, what will I make next? I talked about making the Lithuanian Wristers, and I have a long list of other things I would like to make. I do have the materials for many of them, but I was looking through my stash yesterday, and I decided that I will not be starting anything new until I finish all of my WIPs. I no longer have any reason to put them off, and some of them would make good Christmas presents to keep for next year. (We'll see how long this lasts. One project? Two? I'm hoping for two cross stitches, plus all the sewing things from my latest WIP Count.)

My Crafty Christmas To-Do List