Thursday, September 6, 2012

Nom nom nom

I want to go nom nom nom (yes, that is great grammar!) on this little guy:

Aww, that's cute. You thought it was going to be done! Well, the white is, and the body, and the green stuff. All that's left is the trim/hearts stuff, and the embroidery. Not bad, methinks. Me-also-thinks that I can have this done by Monday. (Without going crazy? Um....)

I have noticed something. (Hey, it was bound to happen someday!) Even with all my counting, and folding, and more counting, he is not centered! Horizontally, it's not too bad, but vertically? Way. Too. High. How does this happen, you ask? I blame the little arrows. Here I was, thinking they pointed to the centers, but they apparently don't. (We are going with the assumption that I can count to thirteen successfully.)

I dream of knitting. Lovely knitting that I am giving to no one. I'm thinking of starting with Lithuanian Wristers.  I'm not sure if it is a good idea to go from one fiddly thing to another (and then a third, because this is my second straight ornaments) but I am going to anyway.

Back to the land of the Ginger Bread Fairy. See you tomorrow! :)