Friday, November 11, 2011

This Isn't Working So Well!

OK, I still need to work on this "post-a-day" thing. But here I am!

I finished this. Kind of. Go to the bottom and look at the big rectangle. I decided I was done, so I bound off and looked for a better way to arrange it, as a kind of wrap, because the poncho was not looking so great in the neck area. OK, it was awful. I think it has a future as a blanket. A small blanket.

I made a skirt! I'm going to wear it on Monday, so I'll take a picture sometime between now and then. OR on Monday. Then you guys can see it! (Wait, did I mention this in my last post?)

I have two projects in mind: this scarf, and this headband, both from Persnickety Knitter. I just printed them out, so I'm going to go get started on one of them! Probably the headband.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Wow...... It's been a long time! My last post was the end of October. Now it's November! 8! I guess I wasn't posting because I didn't have much to write about, but then I thought about the blogs I read that don't post very often and how much that bugs me, so if there's anyone in the world reading this right now, I'm sorry. (Besides my dad. He follows it. Hi Dad!) I think I should try to post every day, even if it's just to say hey. I'm not sure about the weekends, because a lot of people don't post on the weekends, but that's when I have time to post and craft. So I'll just play it by ear. Thanks!

Oh, and there should be a "real" post today, later. I need to find my camera's memory card.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Care Cards

Hi guys! I have been a little slow with the crafting this week, so I haven't had much to post about, but a few minutes ago I thought I should share this.

Imaginary scenario:

You have spent two months on a 100% wool Fair Isle sweater for a close friend, family member, whatever. You proudly present it to them on your respective holiday or occasion, and they are pleased, promise to wear it a bunch, whatever. (I've never been in this situation, so I'm just assuming that no one has reacted to a hand knit by running around the house screaming and periodically petting said hand knit. Just a guess. I've heard normal people don't act like that.) The next day, they need to wash it, and when you offer to wash it for them, knowing that 100% wool can be hard to wash without fulling (commonly known as felting, but this guy thinks that's not right) but they refuse, saying, "That's awfully nice, but after X years on the planet I think I can handle washing a sweater."

First of all, you should have warned them. Ran after them to protect your hard work from that evil fulling device, the washing machine. But you didn't hear the danger signs, or maybe you weren't there to stop them. And you come home with them holding a felt baby sweater that looks suspiciously like the one you poured hours and hours into and your heart stops and you feel like screaming and the room is going dark and-

OK, I think you get the picture. Bad, bad, very bad. So let's avoid that!!! Please, for all of the people you know and have phone numbers for that would the have to listen to your screams as you realize the truth. So even though I have made exactly two projects for 100% wool, and the term Fair Isle scares me very much, I have made something that could save relationships and sanity everywhere. (Hey, I said could!) Care Cards!!!!

They're like business cards (I used a business card template on my WP program to make them) but instead of personal information I put care information, taken from ball bands and websites. Washing. Drying. Anything else you might need to put there. I have a picture of the project, in case I give them more than one thing and there's a chance they won't see the big type that says what the project is. Just in case. If you don't live with or near the recipient, a phone number or email address (or the website with the yarn info) may be a good idea if they need more information.

Purple Fuzzy Scarf
Christmas 2011
Care Instructions 
Wash:     Machine
Dry:   Machine

This is an example of one I made today. It doesn't have any unnecessary stuff, just some basic: Here's what you do, don't mess up! Please?

So now all you have to do is print and include in the package! Thank me for the lack of tears later. Oh, and if you ever give someone a 100% wool sweater and you think this won't work, tape a No Parking symbol to the washer, and instead of a P put a picture of the project in the circle. 

Now go work on some presents! You deserve some nice yarn after all this reading! :)

Sunday, October 16, 2011

A Safety Cone, a Waterfall, and a Bag

As promised, here is the picture of the safety cone I made last weekend:

I don't think I posted the link yet, so if not, click here.

OK, so this is a bag from Knitty, and I think it is pretty awesome! I can keep all my stuff for one activity in this bag, and not be searching for it all around the house.

The pattern was really easy, but the miles of stockinette got old, and it has been abandoned since late August. A few weeks ago, I said, "I could finish this and then I would be able to do the Christmas presents I need those needles for," (yes, I think I need some more size 10s too) so I sucked it up and finished it. This picture stinks, so I may take a better one soon. (I used a dark yarn with brown, purple, dark red, and royal blue. It's really pretty but it doesn't show up very well without a flash!) So anyway, I think I may still add a button or snap for the flap, because I kind of have to hold it down, and that's slightly annoying. Other than that, I love this pattern and the bag!!! Oh, I made one modification: Instead of the cast on 94 stitches and bind them off for the drawstrings, I chained a whole bunch of stitches until it looked too long, then single crocheted in each one. I missed the part about making two, but it was long enough that after felting I just cut it in half.

One of the reasons I modified the strap was because this was on the needles:

I'm calling it the Waterfall Poncho, because that's the name of this color. The pattern is also from Knitty, but I'm really only using the construction technique. It's a different weight yarn, and I didn't cast on the same number of stitches, and I didn't use two colors, so I'm really not using the pattern part at all! I'm using Lion Brand Homespun in Waterfall. I think it's really pretty, and I noticed while trying it on to check the length that it's really warm! I think it would be cute over a white turtleneck. Or dark blue. There's some of that in the yarn. So maybe I should hurry up and finish before it's too warm to wear it again and I have to wait! (No, I don't really think it will take me four or five months, but you never know.) Right now, it is just over three feet (like my imprecise measurements? then you'll love what's next!) I used my patented At A Glance Guesstimation System* to see that every time I knit two rows, I get about and inch. So, I think I have maybe twenty or thirty rows to go. I'm just trying it on as I go, so it should fit really well!

*If you were wondering, the length of the poncho using the AAGGS was "not long enough" :)

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Lots of Catching Up to Do!!!!!

Sorry for the long break- I got really distracted and I kept thinking, well I need to post today, but I would so much rather be working on this project, or that project, and I just never got around to it. But now you get a nice, long, juicy post!

First up: My first socks!!! Eeeep! They are crocheted using this method, but instead of my iPod I used my foot. They are going through the wash right now, I sure hope the ball band is right and they survive! Okay, pictures.

This is the absolute first one. It isn't done in this picture, it was at the point where I wanted to start the second one to make sure I didn't run out of yarn. The yellow thing was a piece of scrap yarn I was using to hold the stitch on while I used the hook for sock #2.
More pics:

I loves them! (I also loves my version of grammar, why do you ask?)

Next up is a bag. I have many pictures of when this was a little baby afghan, then it grew up into what it is today. Such a touching story. Here are a lot of pictures of it growing:

Now a big huge jump to the point where I decided it was going to be a bag for many reasons, not the least of which is that it was ugly. 

That is a white fleece lining that really improved the outside look of it a lot. Magically.

I'm REALLY happy that it's gone, off my WIP list. Next item is on my WIP list, I just need to have a date with the sewing machine to finish it. And find some brown thread in the big box of thread.

No, I'm not hugely overweight. It's supposed to be like that, kind of. Go look here. Do you see what I did wrong? I cut the sleeves too far up, so they didn't take any width off the body. Big problem. But I fixed it. I'm gonna wear it with a belt! Then it will look like a stylish tunic that was meant to be like that! I hope. I just need to hem the bottom and the sleeves. Wish me luck!

This, is a pouch. It will be a smaller pouch once I make more wooly things to felt with it. It is currently very small, so there is no justification for sticking it in the washing machine all by its lonesome, is there? The flap is an accident. I somehow, while working in the round, managed to put two thirds of the stitches on one needle and the rest on another. So I evened them out, and worked back and forth to make a flap. The green part where I stopped knitting is bound off with a sewn bind off, because I couldn't think of what else to do.

OK, moving on. Lots of cute ornaments. The top is for my grandma, then aunt, then someone, then my best friend. The gingerbread man should look familiar from here, but I fixed his face. Much better, methinks! (Oh right, the link for the pattern is here, all I did was use worsted weight yarn and beads instead of thread.) I am loving the little bead eyes. Seriously. I also made a safety cone with them, but no picture yet so you'll have to wait. Sorry.

One more thing, then I'm done. For now. Cuz there's more, believe me. It's yarn!!!! I like yarn, especially when it's free, and these two skeins were gifts from an unofficial knitter and crocheter that I taught but needs to practice more and also doesn't understand the value of pretty yarn. I have no idea what to do with either! I didn't get a ball band, but it looks to be lighter than worsted. That's all I know.

Very pretty!!!!! Me likes it! (See up higher if you have an issue with my grammar.)

OK, stay tuned for more stuff and a safety cone. And some stuff. I like stuff.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Wrapping up Crocheting

OK, this is wrapping up crocheting projects so I can get into present-tense posting. I'm kind of excited. Is that wrong?

This is my uncle's Christmas present. He likes chocolate chip cookies. I think it's neat, and I was pretty excited to find this pattern because I can never think of what to make him, especially since I would never be caught dead making stuff with the colors of his football team! :) Click here to see the free pattern. All I did was go back and forth with the tan part to make a back instead of going around the outside.

I like this little man. I was going to give him as a Christmas present to another uncle, but he didn't turn out so great especially since one of the scarf-receiving aunts is his wife. I know it's the thought that counts, but it still feels wrong. I think I'm going to make him this if I have enough time, and if I don't I have something else up my sleeve. Oh right! Here's the link. (OK, I can't find it right now. I'll keep looking, I promise!) Have fun. Do a better job than me. Trust me, it won't be hard.

I'm not sure if this counts as amigurumi, but the site is called All About Ami. Hint hint? Or not?  Well, it is pretty easy, although it is a little tedious. One bit of chains and then hours of single crochet. But the end result is super cute! I want to add a felt design, like in the tutorial. The tan one is kind of cruddy, as it was my first attempt, (great excuse, I know) so it doesn't get one. The purple one I think gets an orange. Here's the link. There are three versions on this site, so look at them all!

Meet Mr. Sour Pickle Man. He is one of the more recent projects I did, and even though he looks like an extremely moldy, green, peanut. Super easy, only single crochet, increases, and decreases. Basic amigurumi skills! Oh, and embroidering the face. The link. Yes, I did just discover hyperlinks and am now considering going to all the other posts I have and changing them. Why do you ask?

Wrapping Up Knitting

I just have two more knitting projects to post, so I'm trying to wrap it up by putting them into one post. I'm almost to the end of past tense posting-Hurray!! OK, here goes:

It's a sweater. A real one. With normal sleeves and everything. So it probably took me about two days. In reality, it probably took longer to dry after I washed it then it did to knit the whole thing! One drawback: I don't know any 6-12 month babies. It's so cute, and no one can wear it for a long time! Or however long it takes for me to find a 6-12 month old baby to give it to. Either one. I think I'm going to make another one with reverse colors.

This is a thing. It is made of a bunch of squares made from scrap yarn which were crocheted together then sewn to a piece of fleece. I used all of my talents to make this! I have no idea what to do with it. I really should stop using scrap yarn to make more unnecessary stuff....

And now, a documentation of my insanity. These are all the scarves I have made between the beginning of June and the beginning of September. Yes, I know two of them are cowls, but they're the right colors for the ones I've already given away. The rest are Christmas presents except three, I think. I'll do a roll call under the picture.

First row: Patons Bohemian yarns-"Indigo Indulgence" (not for Christmas) and "Casual Cream" for my aunt. Bernat Boa- in a color that isn't pictured for another aunt, and directly below one for a birthday that has already passed so it's a cowl in the picture. Now look to the right of that one, and you have two in "Chick" for my mom and her best friend for Christmas. Back to the first row, you have a Bernat Handicrafter Cotton Stripes in "Pinky Stripes" for my mom's birthday in a few weeks that is eight feet long. Last one on the top, Bernat Boa again in "Raven" for my grandma for Christmas. 

Second row: Red Heart Super Saver in "Bonbon Print" (I think) with Bernat Boa in "Chick" for the fringe. Next is a cowl in an unknown yarn (where'd that ball band go?) representing another "Casual Cream" that is already gone. The other three are in the paragraph above, so that's all!

I really like knitting. It's faster than crocheting for me, and I can use novelty yarns sometimes to keep it interesting. However, I can crochet in the round very well, but I'm still working on the DPN action. So, it's a toss up for me. They're each good for different things.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Latch Hook Rugs

This is Winnie the Pooh. In latch hook form! He's a present for my Pooh obsessed aunt. All I need to do is find a frame for him (we're going to take out the glass so she can touch the rug part) and he'll be done! Hurray!

This is a butterfly. It took slightly less forever, but I don't have anything to do with it. I did tape the edges down. That ought to count for something, right?

Monday, September 26, 2011

Early Amigurumi

(I think I already posted these, but they're so cute I don't care!) I made these two adorable boogers about a year ago. They were easy to make, and my first amigurumi project. I think they were also the first real crochet project I did. The green one is going to be a Christmas present for my little cousin, because he would totally get a kick out of this kind of thing. Anyway, here's the link:

Another early amigurumi was this kitty. I just found this link randomly, and it was so cute I decided to make him! He is super easy even for a beginner, and pretty fast. Here's the link:

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Fingerless Glove Tutorial

Sewing Machine and Needle and Thread
Scissors and Thread Scissors
A Stretchy Pant Leg

1. Cut the pant leg so it is about two inches longer then the inner joint of your thumb to mid fore-arm. Put an arm into the piece.

2. Cut the piece in half, so you have two pieces of fabric with a seam in the middle when you flatten them.

3. Turn these pieces inside out, then pin them together so they are in a loop again. (See the gloves yet?)

4. Stitch up the side of each glove so it can be worn as one.

5. Turn up the raw edge, and sew it down like a hem, except you don't have to be fancy if you don't want to. I'm not going to tell anyone! (And mine was a fail, so I can't really talk...)

6. Cut a slit for your thumb in the factory seam, then hand stitch around it to make it neat.

7. Wear your beautiful gloves and feel very cool. (A zebra ring never hurts.)

Friday, September 23, 2011

Breast Cancer Ribbon Pillows

This is my first try at scheduled posting. It's pretty important that this is posted today... If it doesn't work tomorrow is alright too. Anyway, my mom and her best friend are walking the 3-Day for the third time, so I made these pillows to commemorate that wonderful achievement. Here they are:

They're made from the same fabric, it's a pre-quilted fabric that has a different pattern on each side. This one is for my mom, because butterflies have a special meaning to her:

And this one is for her friend, because I didn't want them to look the same:

Good luck! Have a great walk and try to stay dry!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Fuzzy Cowl Pattern

This is a fuzzy cowl-earmuff-thing. It was originally going to be a scarf, but when I was folding it for in-progress storage, I saw a cowl and sewed the short ends. It's for another aunt. (doesn't it look like the scarf I posted earlier?) The white one was also destined to be a scarf, but I didn't have the ball band or yarn name to find the yardage, so I ran out. I had to rush to the store to get new white yarn, but I couldn't find this kind so I had to start over. Luckily, it led to the discovery of wonderful yarn, and a super-soft cowl! The -ahem- pattern is below.
One skein of Bernat Boa yarn (or other fuzzy bulky weight yarn)
Size 10 or 11 knitting needles (or needles suggested on the yarn)
Yarn needle
1. Cast on 15 stitches.

2. Knit each row until it is a little shorter than you want it to be.

3. Bind of with at least a 12 inch tail.

4. Stretch the strip you just made, so it is how long it can be.

5. Sew the short ends together with the bind off tail, then weave in all ends.

That's it! Super simple!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Amigurumi-Designed By Me!!!!!!

No, don't get excited. There isn't a cool free pattern (or a buyable one), there's just a picture. They aren't great, but this was my first two tries designing amigurumi, so it's alright, right?

It's a lion, OK? Get it now? Okay, it's awful, let's move on:

Progress! My second pattern. It almost looks like a cupcake, with the ruffle at the bottom of the shirt. Hmm, that gives me an interesting idea. If it comes out to anything I'll post a picture! She doesn't have a face or hair, and the limbs aren't even. The color change between the neck and shirt didn't go so well either. But it's a lot better than the lion!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Patchwork Pillow

I had lots of scraps, so I decided to do some patchwork to use them up. (Click here for the other patchwork post I did-it's a tutorial!!) This is a pillow, and it is very squishy and lumpy. I slept on it for a while, until I realized that my tossing and turning was tearing some of the seams. Now I just use it for decoration!