Wednesday, March 27, 2013


My Blogger dashboard is my home screen, so every time I open Safari, I see the basic stats for my blog, the Google Reader thing, stuff like that. And all day, I've been watching the page views count. And all day, it's been 999. Even though I know most of the page views are spam, I'm still sort of excited that it's about to be 1,000. Okay? So, if you're reading this right now, thank you.


More sleevie! I know it doesn't look like much, but it does go pretty quickly. Hopefully, I'll have the finished sleeve to show you tomorrow!

Speaking of tomorrow, I just found out my aunt and uncle are visiting. Apparently they're just passing through, so they'll just be spending the night, but it does throw something of a wrench in my plans. I figured out in December that people don't like it when you work on a paper while they visit. So I'm going to go bust my butt and do extra so I don't fall behind! (Don't worry I'll knit too! :) )