Tuesday, March 12, 2013


I'm sure you all noticed that yesterday's post was.... um... lacking? And by that I mean there was very little detail about anything I mentioned. Today, I shall fix that! (You may find it helpful to have yesterday's post open while you read this.)

  • First, the captain's hat. This was the last one I did, and I honestly had no idea how to do it. I thought it should be a little taller at the front than the back, so I took a rectangle and cut it. My original plan was to use the piece on the bottom of the picture, but I decided the other piece was a better size, so I used that instead. I wasn't really a fan of how it turned out (it looked like the next Mario Bro) so I trashed it and tried again. It turned out a little better the second time! I just stitched on a little crochet chain for the trim.
  • I sort of already said this, but the construction hat was really simple. I used the same pattern as the baseball cap, then sewed a strip down the middle instead of the circle. I also made the bill a lot smaller. Piece of cake!
  • I didn't mention this at all yesterday, but I did go to Michaels on Friday. I picked up three sheets each of yellow, white, black, and blue felt, and a styrofoam ball. I didn't end up using the white, but I was already out so that's alright. I used the styrofoam ball to shape the baseball cap and construction hat, which worked, but wasn't perfect. They're now covered in little pieces of styrofoam on the inside, but that's okay.
  • I just want to say that the glue worked amazingly well. Honestly, I had my doubts about it, but it definitely worked. Just a note, if you do this, make sure you give them plenty of time to dry. I had to wait overnight until I could attach the tags. 
Hopefully you now have your fill of details, so I'm going to get back to work on the TTT!