Wednesday, July 10, 2013


I'm writing this while I repeatedly rewatch the last ten minutes of The Angels Take Manhattan, because I apparently enjoy pain. And there's a lot of pain here. (I actually am looking for something, but I'm watching more of it than I need to. Like I said, I apparently enjoy pain. Plus, it's keeping my contacts wet.)

Anway, I finished (most of) Harry:

I'm down to the last three colors I don't have now, and I'll just finish those later. For now, I'm working on Ron's legs:

Oh the joys of uniforms. I'm pretty sure these legs are the same as Harry's (yeah, that sounds weird). Oh well, Hermione's in a skirt, so that'll be something new. Also, that picture is proof that I cannot count. Ever. So far, none of the corners have been in all the right places (top left corner of Harry was one stitch to the right, but I fixed it). Seeing as the rest of the pictures are probably the same, I'm just going to try to always start in the corner that's closest to the middle. That should keep it as close to the center as I can.

I'm off to go rewatch the end of Vincent and the Doctor. Wish me luck, and I'll talk to you soon!