Monday, July 8, 2013

It's Getting Harry in Here!

Actually, it's getting hot! Our AC broke last night, and with temperatures in the 90s, that makes one hot house! But it's okay, since I haven't stopped my stuff! (Yeah, that doesn't make sense. I'll just show you the picture, shall I?)

Remember these?

I'm not surprised if you don't, it's been a while! They're all part of my big Harry Potter cross stitch thing, and next is Harry! He's in the middle, right above all the house crests, and I started him yesterday, with some more work done this morning. I don't know if you can tell, but just in his pant, there's I think four different colors. And there's one color (which I haven't done yet) that is literally used for two stitches. Just two. Also, I'm not really sure what's going on with all the blue and brown, but I guess it will make more since when the rest of it is on there.

Eventually, it did get too hot to have the cloth on my lap, so I decided to do some writing on my laptop. And since I'm just that smart, I wasn't thinking about the fact that the laptop gets pretty hot on it's own! Needless to say, that didn't last long, so I've kind of been bouncing around between things all afternoon. I can honestly say that I cannot wait to go to rehearsal tonight!

I hope you have a great day, and that you're able to stay cool! (Or warm, if anyone is reading this from the Southern Hemipshere!) Talk to you soon!