Friday, July 5, 2013

Wrists and Butter*

This is what happens when I don't post every time I plan to. I end up with pictures that should be on two separate posts all smushed (that should be a word) into one post. So bear with me, this might get confusing. 

A couple weeks ago, I started these Voodoo wrist warmers from Knitty. Once I started my mom's scarves, I put it in a drawer and ignored it (and never told you guys about it), but I picked it up on Wednesday afternoon and ended up finishing it that night.

Here it is on:

Just for the record, the awkward lump is my watch, not part of my arm (or the wrist warmer). Then yesterday, I started the second one:

which I finished a few hours ago. It was a little harder to get a good picture of this one:

because I'm stupid and I felt like it had to go on the other arm (which is my dominant arm). And here they are together:

Yes, the top one is a lot shorter than the bottom. Yes, it's extremely annoying. No, I'm not really sure how it happened, especially seeing as I measured them both the same way.

*Just a note about the title. I was thinking about how they make my wrists warm, and then I don't actually remember what I was thinking, but I do remember it had something to do with bread and butter. Oh! Maybe it was about making my wrists toasty, and then I thought about toast? I don't know. But I do know that it made sense when I wrote it.