Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Shell Frame Tutorial

First of all, I want to say happy birthday to my awesome dad-this is actually what I made for his present!

You will need:

A hot glue gun
A picture frame
A bunch of seashells
Something to glue on (cardboard, paper towels, newspaper)

A good place to start is the corners of the frames.

To place a shell, put a glob of glue on the frame where you want it. If you put it on the shell, you are more likely to get burned!

Glue down all the shells where you want them.

And you're done!

This is a really simple and fun project, and it is perfect for anyone that loves the beach! 

Have a great day!

Monday, July 30, 2012

And you didn't believe me....


And you didn't believe me when I said I was going to finish things! Here's a rundown of what I did:

  • I finally did the hair for this doll  again. I did a little research, and I ended up using this tutorial from K and J Dolls blog. You might be able to tell that I skipped the last step, but it just didn't look good. Also, the hair is very thick in the back. I'm not totally happy with it, but I'm so over this project, it's now officially done!
  • You might have been expecting this one: the camouflage beret I showed you on Friday. It turned out really well, with a little surprise at the end. I was a little nervous about running out of yarn, so I switched to an olive green when I started the crown decreases. It looks pretty cool, and I did make it a little slouchier than the panda beret. The other major difference is the ribbing. For some reason, it didn't hold in the panda beret, but it did for this one. I think it has something to do with the blocking. I did block the panda beret, but since the camo one is acrylic, I didn't see much of a point, and I just left it as is. The one thing I don't like is that I have a few loose stitches in the decrease section, but it isn't too noticeable, so I'm calling this one a success!
  • Speaking of blocking, I finally blocked Branching Out, completed a month ago. Umm, yeah. I (uncharacteristically) procrastinated a little bit on this one. Mostly because I was afraid I would completely ruin either my first lace project, or my mattress. Both are fine, so I really should have done this weeks ago! However, I have yet to get a picture of this yarn with an accurate representation of the color, and for some reason, it's not on the website.
  • I know I said I was just going to work on stuff I had already started, but I started two projects. I had this awesome, soft, lovely t-shirt that I would have worn every day. Except it was kind of see-through and the neckline was loose and awkward. So, I did what any logical person would do: I made it into a scarf. I didn't use any tutorial in particular, but there are tons available online. On Wednesday, there will be another one, showing how I made mine!
Unsurprisingly, I didn't finish everything I worked on, like this:

I used the other half of the shirt to make this little crop top. It's pretty much all set, I just have to finish hemming the bottom edge. I'm doing it by hand, because I don't really trust my sewing machine. Just a little blind stitch, nothing fancy.

It makes me happy to have stuff cleared up and put away. I also did some research on how to take better pictures, but no guarantees! Have a good one!

Friday, July 27, 2012

Camouflage Panda

I mentioned on Wednesday that I started another beret from this pattern:

and I have gotten pretty far on it. I am doing a few things differently from last time, including the second increase row I forgot to do with the first one. I am also going to knit the stockinette a little longer, to try to make it a little more slouchy.

I am planning on doing a full clean-out of all of my craft areas today, so I should be digging up WIPs, and maybe even churning out some FOs this weekend. I'm also going to experiment with getting better pictures, because (as you can tell) my photography hasn't been great lately.

Have a good one!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

100th Post!!!!!

I have been working on this post the whole month, so I hope you enjoy it! I had fun writing it!
Time to party!!!!!!!!!! In honor of my 100th post, I have 100 things I like:

  1. Niagara Falls-I went once when I was twelve, and I rode a boat in the river. It was SO COOL! No. Really. The water was kind of cold. :)
  2. Hot Air Balloon Festivals-I have been to one of these, but it was too windy, so there were no balloons in the sky. I think it would have been pretty awesome if Mother Nature had cooperated, though.
  3. Kumihimo-I learned from this post on Lucy 'In the sky' using the YouTube video she embedded. It's kind of addictive, and a great way to use up scrap yarn.
  4. Harry Potter-This is amazing. I only have a few posts with HP stuff! You guys should expect to see a lot more. I love these books. And the movies. I know, it's sad.....
  5. Ice Cream Cake-I don't like cakey cake, and when I was a kid, my mom made my dad, my brother, and I an ice cream cake for all of our birthdays. (She's totally awesome, right?) My favorite is all vanilla ice cream, vanilla Oreos, and caramel sauce. 
  6. Music-I really like music. I play a couple instruments, and I love to sing in the shower (I'm not saying the other people in my house like it too). I also like to listen to classical music and Adele. Because they have a lot to do with each other.
  7. "Star Trek"-This is my favorite movie, which is saying a lot. I love it so much, I watched it five times in eight days. That kind of thing should be illegal! But I'm glad it isn't! I also really like The Voyage home (that would be my second favorite) and the TV series TNG.
  8. Keenser (from "Star Trek")-I know I already talked about Star Trek, but I thought I should devote a whole number to the most adorable alien ever! I know, short reptilian aliens aren't normally considered to be adorable, but I think we have long since established that I am quite odd. 
  9. Ketchup-I put ketchup on just about anything, including tomatoes, potato chips, and when I was little, pork chops and steak. I was an odd child, but not as odd as one of my little cousins, who puts it on spaghetti.
  10. Taboo-This is a really awesome game where you have to get your partner to guess a word without using any of the "Taboo" words. I used to play it with my brother, and we were practically unbeatable!
  11. Camels-I don't know why, but I just think camels are the coolest thing ever. It's not even a random thing, since in fifth grade when my art teacher told us to pick an animal and draw it, I drew a Bactrian camel. It went on a t-shirt and I named it Camel Bob.
  12. Reading-I love to read, and not just Harry Potter. I like most genres, except for really scary things, and I read all the time. Or whenever I have free time. (Sometimes even when I don't.....)
  13. Scrabble-Most people probably know what this is. I am not very good at it, but every once in a while everything just falls into place and I get a whole bunch of points.
  14. Larkspur-This is the prettiest flower ever! It is also the flower of my birth month (you know, birthstone, birthflower) so it is doubly awesome!
  15. Hot Chocolate-I like dark hot chocolate with a candy cane in it. It tastes amazing, like mint chocolate chips, another awesome thing.
  16. Puzzles-I used to do these all the time and hang them up in my room. I haven't done as many lately, but I still really like doing them!
  17. My Zebra Ring-It's funny, because this was actually given to me off the cuff by my neighbor, but I wore it every day for a year, then another year a few months later. I have a picture of it in this post.
  18. Earrings-I love to wear cool earrings. My favorites are peace signs about as big as the zebra ring, which make me feel very cool and retro. Misguidedly.
  19. Upcycling-I am a fan of the planet not being destroyed, so I think reusing and recycling are pretty awesome. Especially when you get something really neat out of it. Like this bag! I made one that I use for a pool bag, and I love it! Plus, I know exactly how to wash it. :)
  20. Tomatoes-These are one of my favorite vegetables (fruits, whatever). I love the cherry and grape tomatoes the best, especially the mutant tomato at the bottom of this post. I probably shouldn't have eaten it... but I didn't get sick! ;)
  21. Smelly Candle Catalogs-Have you guys seen/smelled the scratch'n'sniff Yankee Candle catalogs? They are so much fun! I know, that's really weird, but I am quite easily amused. Quite.
  22. Glitter-I grew up with a mom that hates glitter, but I love how sparkly and versatile it is. My favorite thing I've seen with glitter are these heels from Wobisobi, although I'm not so sure I would have the guts to wear them!
  23. Jellyfish-Come on, don't try to tell me you didn't see this coming! :) I would not want to meet a jellyfish, but I think they are really beautiful. But don't touch them. Seriously. Bad idea.
  24. Nuts-Why yes, I am. Wait... I meant cashews and peanuts. And almonds. But hey. You are what you eat, right?
  25. Tubing-I have floated down a river, which was really relaxing, but being pulled by a boat freaked me out!
  26. Cool Mugs-My favorites have Scrabble boards on them, with pieces spelling out "Coffee Break" and "Hot Stuff."
  27. Chewing Gum-I chew gum just to pass the time. I like mint and cinnamon, and some kinds of fruit flavors. It just makes me happy!
  28. Hair Ties-I always keep a couple on my wrist, especially now that my hair is getting longer again. (finally!) I almost never have my hair down, and I go through these like there's no tomorrow.
  29. Rain-I like the kind of rain that pours down (preferably without thunder or lightning) and makes everything wet. I used to sit and watch it rain with my dad, so I have some nice memories that go with rain. I don't like the nasty, misty rain that makes you damp. That's just annoying! :)
  30. Slideshows-My parents know how to make some awesome slideshows, like for end of the season for swim team, or the end of the school year.
  31. Peanut Butter-When I was little, this was my favorite thing ever. I had a peanut butter sandwich for lunch pretty much every day! Because I loved it. A lot. I still do!
  32. Root Beer-I try not to drink a ton of soda, but when I do, I drink root beer. I don't know why, but I just don't like most other sodas. This is what I drank as a little kid, so I drink it now, I guess!
  33. Metal DPNs-I know some people think these are the worst, but I really like them. What can I say? I like shiny things!
  34. Birds-My great-grandmother got me started on bird watching when I was five or six, and I have loved birds ever since. My grandma had hummingbird feeders at one of her houses, and I loved to watch them!
  35. Chocolate Chip Cookies-Really any kind of cookie works, but these are one of my favorites. I have never made them from scratch, but honestly, the bucket of dough works just fine for me! :)
  36. Souvenir Spoons-My mom collects these, and they hang on the wall in her kitchen. She has the coolest spoons ever, and while I don't think I will ever collect them myself, I love to look at them!
  37. Sweet Lemonayde-This is a really cool blog with a lot of awesome sewing tutorials I want to try. She also has a pattern for a beret that I love! A lot!!!
  38. Hyperlinks-When I had my website, I didn't even know what hyperlinks were, and I would just put the link right in the middle of the text. It didn't look good, and it took up a lot of space. But then, (cue dramatic music) I learned how to use hyperlinks and I fell in love! Sad, right? :)
  39. Branching Out-This is the only lace pattern I've knit, but I really like it, so I will probably knit this many more times!
  40. Notebooks-I use notebooks all the time, because I somehow always have something to write down, but I have yet to find the perfect notebook. It will have a hard cover, lines on both sides of every page, a lot of pages, be small enough to stick in a small purse, but big enough to write on easily. For now, I use any one I can find!
  41. Shawls and Scarves-I love patterns that repeat for a few feet, and it's even better when the pattern is continually changing! Plus they're awesome to wrap up in to stay warm in the cold winter months! (Which is totally good for right now, right? :P)
  42. Lighthouses-When I was a little kid, my family went to the beach most summers and we often visited lighthouses. I used to love climbing to the top, but I don't think I could now! (Acrophobia. Not fun!)
  43. Cheez-Its-These might just be my favorite snack food. I also love cheese curls, cheese balls, and string cheese.
  44. Camisoles-I like to wear these under loose t-shirts, because I want the fabric to be right on my skin. I'm not really sure why, but I always feel like the t-shirt is going to magically disappear, and I'm not going to notice because it's very loose anyway. (Paranoid, much?)
  45. Mochimochi Land-This is another of my favorite blogs, because she makes the coolest little toys ever! I have her book, Knitting Mochimochi, which I love, and I am going to use very soon!
  46. Russian Tea Cakes/Mexican Wedding Cakes-I grew up calling them RTC, but apparently they are the same thing. These are awesome cookies that have chopped almonds in them, and then are rolled in powdered sugar. You have to go make them. Seriously! These are my favorite holiday treat!
  47. Permanent Markers-Even though you have to be careful because of the fumes, I really like using permanent markers! I love all the different colors, and they make me very happy. Not really sure why, but they do.
  48. Cherry Blossom Trees-I've never been to the Cherry Blossom Festival, but I think these trees are absolutely beautiful!
  49. Writing-This is a big hobby for me. I mostly like to write fiction and short stories, but I also enjoy writing these blog posts!
  50. Candles-My favorite scents are Vanilla Cupcake and Pink Dragon Fruit from Yankee Candle. I love that even in the votive size, I don't have to light them to make a whole section of my room smell great!
  51. Pi-Very nerdy, but pi is my favorite number! I am planning on making this scarf, so the whole world will know my nerdiness! (Muahahahhaha!!!)
  52. Fortune Cookies-If you guys don't remember, I have a fortune cookie fail in this post. But I do like to see what they say, and freak out over them when they magically come true! ;)
  53. Quesadillas-My favorite kind of quesadilla is cheddar cheese, tomatoes, and smashed up black beans, but I also like them with just cheese. I normally make them in the frying pan, but if I'm in a hurry I use the toaster oven!
  54. Seashells-I have a tutorial coming up using these, because I have a very big collection. I always pick up a bunch of shells when I go to the beach, and one year I found the perfect box to keep them in. It has (wait for it) sea shells on it!
  55. Gimp-I don't know how common this is outside of Girls Scout camp (which is where I learned, years and years ago) but I found a package of cord at Michael's, so I'm thinking normal people do it too. We used to stock up on the cord at camp every year, and gimp all fall and winter!
  56. Spool Knitting-This, I know people do! I learned how to do this long before I learned how to knit, and I've never done anything other than the skinny little tubes, but I did once make my cousin a little scarf about six feet long. I was really bored! :)
  57. Sock Monkeys-Need I say more? I think not! 
  58. Beads-Again, who doesn't love beads? They are so awesome. I personally can't wait to try this project from FusionBeads.com.
  59. Chinese Jumprope-I remember in fifth grade we had a whole unit on this in PE. I was actually pretty good at it, and I like doing it with some of my younger relatives sometimes.
  60. Cat's Cradle-My aunt taught me this a few years ago, and I don't have any of it memorized, but it still was a lot of fun!
  61. Volleyball-I played in seventh and eighth grade, and I also enjoy watching beach volleyball on TV.
  62. Belts-I don't normally use belts to hold my pants up, but I do like to use them in upcycling projects, like the jeans purse I made a few months ago, or the wrap bracelets I posted a tutorial for.
  63. Duct Tape-Heheh. Duct tape makes me happy in so many strange ways. I really want to learn how to make those hats and things, and I am in absolute awe of all those people that makes prom dresses out of duct tape!
  64. Ribbon-Ribbon is so versatile and it adds that little something extra to a lot of different things. What could be better?
  65. Buttons-I don't use buttons on a lot of my projects, mostly because I can never find the perfect button. I do have a lot of buttons that I like to look at though....
  66. Potholders-My grandma taught my brother and I how to do this when we were seven and nineish, and unsurprisingly, I was the one that caught on and liked it. Funnily enough, I also had to make one in my Home Ec class a few years later. 
  67. Pompoms-If I was that kind of person, I would make pompoms just for the fun of it. Fortunately, I have enough self control to resist, but seriously? It's almost as addictive as kumihimo!
  68. Cross Stitch-This is not one of my biggest talents, but I do like it a lot. My mom is so amazing, she used tobe able to make cross stitch pieces look the same on both sides. Go ahead. Be awed!
  69. Berets/Slouchy Hats-As I mentioned in #37, I have a favorite beret pattern, so that just shows how much I like these hats! I don't want a really stiff one, so I really want a slouchy hat, but I kind of call them the wrong name all the time. 
  70. Latch Hook-I do like this a lot, but it is pretty slow! I am planning on making a really big one with orcas on it soon, and it will probably take months! 
  71. Knitting Dishcloths-So addictive! I have made four or five at this point, but I'm going to keep cranking them out!
  72. Rubik's Cube-I have never solved a Rubik's cube! Ever! In my whole entire life! But I still like to try, because some day I will. And I will throw a party! (Well, not really, but I would be really excited!)
  73. Juggling-My dad is an amazing juggler (well, not by most people's standards, but I think he is) so I used to aspire to being as cool as him. That didn't really happen, but I like to think I can juggle decently.
  74. Swimming-I was on a competitive swim team every summer for seven seasons, so I swam a lot as a kid. My favorite stroke was breast stroke, and I still like swimming for fun.
  75. Snow-Unlike my mom, I love snow. Some years we get a lot, some years we don't get any at all. (hem hem winter of 2011-2012!) But I love wrapping up with a good book and some hot chocolate and watching it snow. And then having fun in the snow after a lot falls.
  76. Boats-I think I got this from my dad, but I really like being on boats and swimming and all of those things.
  77. Fish-I really want to get a fish tank and have a bunch of fish in it. I'm actually taking care of some friends' fish while they are on vacation (and their rabbit) so I get to pretend for a few weeks!
  78. Kiwi-Even though kiwi is kind of expensive, I had it at school one time and I loved it. I haven't had it since then, but still. I remember what it tasted like. Kind of..... :)
  79. Strawberries-My favorite fruit! Ever! I love strawberries so much! That's why I put them on this list!
  80. Smoothies-My dad taught me the easiest smoothie ever, and if you do it right, it's actually not too bad for you. I might post that at some point, because it's so simple, and so good!
  81. Lifesavers-These really are lifesavers to me! I hate not having fresh breath, but sometimes, you just can't chew gum! Like if you were about to go into a restaurant, and you had really bad breath, but you were going to eat dinner? Mint time. Right there.
  82. Digital Cameras-I use a digital camera for all the pictures on this blog, and while they aren't super high quality, I think that's more my fault than the camera's. I do like that they're very convenient and easy to use and upload, so now I just need to figure out lighting.
  83. E-Readers-I have no idea if that's how they're referred to, but I'm talking about things like Kindles and Nooks. I have a Kindle Touch, which I wasn't sure about at first, but I actually really like. Hence it being on this list.
  84. Wreaths-I think wreaths shouldn't just be for Christmas. One of my neighbors has wreaths for all seasons, and this blog has a ton of cool wreaths and other decoration ideas.
  85. Fun Magnets-My fridge has all kinds of crazy magnets on it. I just go with it.
  86. Pajama/Lounge Pants-I am gong to make a pair of these with piano keyboards all over them. Oh yeah!
  87. Weaving-When I was in first grade, we weaved paper strips. In fifth grade, we wove yarn onto paper cups. Now, um... I don't know. I just like weaving.
  88. Coloring-You are never too old to color! Enough said.
  89. Glue Guns-I used to have a problem with glue guns, thinking that they were the lazy way out of sewing, but I was very wrong. I love glue guns now!
  90. Clean Sheets-Call me crazy, but I just love how it feels to lie down in sheets that are fresh and clean.
  91. Fabric Shopping-I love to walk through all of the cool fabrics looking for just the right one for my project.
  92. Pirates of the Caribbean-My favorites are the third and fourth ones, but I love all of these movies.
  93. Red Pandas-Woohoo! My favorite animal! So cute! So awesome! So perfect!
  94. S'mores-Yummy! I want some more! (Get it? Get it? Oh, you just didn't laugh....) I like to make them with the really big marshmallows, but I recently learned that the toaster doesn't work. One side ends of really burnt and nasty.
  95. Circle Skirts-I can't believe it! I made the coolest circle skirt ever in February, and I still haven't posted pictures of it! Shame on me! Circle skirts are awesome!
  96. Sewing-I like this because it is faster than knitting or crocheting in many cases, but I do have a lot more trouble making it neat.
  97. Crocheting-I like to crochet in the round, but I have a hard time making flat things.
  98. Knitting-Knitting in the round isn't my favorite, but I have no troubles knitting flat.
  99. Yarn-Who doesn't like yarn? I've only used acrylic, wool, and a bamboo blend, but I am looking forward to trying some new kinds in the future.
  100. Blogging-I like talking to no one! At least when I write on my blog, I can pretend I'm not really talking to myself... Right? :)
Congratulations! You made it to the bottom of my list! Don't worry, if you only read one or two (or none) I don't mind! If you read all of them, you are my new favorite person. Seriously. Have a cookie:

So, what did you learn from this? Three things: I am (very) easily amused, I like Star Trek way too much, and I have too much time on my hands! I got some great ideas for future posts, so don't be surprised if some of these topics come up again!

Happy 100th Sudsy Jellyfish post! Have a great day!

By coincidence, this post ended up being on my birthday! I didn't even plan it that way, so how cool is that?

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Panda Beret-FO

I really love this pattern! It is so simple, I can memorize almost all of it (except the crown decreases) and it makes one beautiful hat:

(Yeah, I got my mirror to model it. It doesn't do it justice.) In fact, I love this pattern so much, I immediately cast on another:

Which I have already finished the ribbing on. Except it was moebius ribbing, and I had to rip it out. Back to square one! (Umm, round one?)

I have spent this entire morning filling up 400 water balloons. My fingers hurt. A lot! I think it'll be worth it later tonight, but right now? Not so much! :P

Have a great day, and I will see you tomorrow with a very special post!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Panda Beret

That's my new name for this:

The pattern doesn't have an official name, since it's kind of squished in this post with a whole bunch of other things. Since I'm making it with a bamboo-wool blend, it's my panda beret! So far, I have done the ribbing, the increases, and about two inches of the stockinette. I think it's going to turn out pretty well, so I'm looking forward to finishing.

Also, this weekend I messed with some more kumihimo. I seriously love this!!!!

I also did some googling, and I found a hair tutorial I think will work for the doll I made. I mght try that later today, or I might just keep working on my beret.

I hope you all have an awesome day! Just keep swimming, just keep swimming, just keep swimming, swimming, swimming!

Monday, July 23, 2012


I hope you guys had a great weekend! I did, but it was kind of crazy.... I went to an awesome concert on Friday, and I was out of the house most of Saturday. I'm sure you know where I'm going with this...... Yeah, that's right. I didn't do much this weekend. I did, however, finally get myself to Michael's, and I have the needle I want for the beret. So I should be starting that soon. I also got some really cushy yarn I thought I was going to make a pi scarf with, but it's too thick, so I'm thinking a hat. With a snowflake on it.

I'm going to be busy for most of this week, but I will try to craft and post as much as possible! Have a great day!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Handcuffs for Your Eyes

So would those be eyecuffs? Anyway, I made a pair:

using this pattern. Here I was, thinking I was making a Masquerade Mask with awesome beaded trim, and it turns out it was actually a pattern for eyecuffs! Who knew?

OK, I know what you're thinking. I made it too tight, right? Yeah, you're probably right. So I might try again with a bigger hook. Maybe. I might do this one instead. It looks like those happy sad masks that represent comedy and tragedy.

I also started another kumihimo. It's a disease!

The loom is a little nicer, but I still am going to make a nicer one at some point. Because foam cannot be called classy. (Ok, it could, but I'm not going to.)

I hope you all have a great day!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


Kumihimo is Japanese braiding, and it may have taken the top spot from paper piecing as my new favorite thing. I learned from the Youtube video below:


I just used a piece of foam (not even as nice as the one in the video) but I think I'm going to make a nicer "loom" of sorts for my next one. Here is the braid I made:

I used all of the same yarn, but since it's variegated, it has a really neat effect. I'm not exactly sure what I'm going to do with it... So I call it progress for making frivolous things!

I also started this Masquerade Mask for the sole purpose of using these beads:

as trim. It's red, so I think it could look really cool. Maybe.

I haven't really worked on the doll, but I am still trying to find a really good tutorial. I love the way the rest of her turned out, so I want the hair to look great to!

Monday, July 16, 2012

Bad Hair Day

I think she's having a bit of a bad hair day:

Let's back up a bit, shall we? Here's where she was when we last left her:

Then, on Saturday afternoon, I put her together:

I decided she needed some clothes, to help hide how disfigured she looks:

That's better! Next, some hair:

Not too bad, considering I didn't use a tutorial or anything. But you know, that dress is not very attractive, especially in the back:

Why don't we take in the sides with a little blind stitch:

And add a new sash:

Much better! But know that I think about it, I don't really like the hair like that. Let's try pulling the front back under the rest:

And putting some matching ribbon on it:

At this point, I decided to embroider a face, but I also took out all of the hair before getting a picture of it. Oops! So here's what she looks like now:

We're back to the beginning of the post. I decided I wanted to use some black yarn for her hair this time, but I also decided to practice on another project first:

I don't even know what this was supposed to be, because I didn't use a pattern, but it now has a little bit of hair. And yes, I am planning on filling in the middle. Maybe.

This took up most of my free time this weekend, but I did a couple of little silly things I'll show you tomorrow. Because there are a lot of pictures in this post.

You know what is hard? Eating ice cream with your non-dominant hand. I don't know why it is so much harder than most other things (like writing) but I discovered last night it is. Randomness requirement for the day? Mission accomplished!

Have a great day!

Friday, July 13, 2012

Little Fuzzy Thingies

I have little black fuzzy things on my carpet. They come from this:

A little throw pillow. With tassels. As it turns out, I hated them, so here's what it actually looks like:

Inside of it I put a little stuffing pouch, to avoid leakage through those little holes next to the cables. Once I had this brainwave (not that impressive, I know) I searched through my fabric, only to find I had no black. So I did what any logical person would do made up my own solution. A gray bandana! Covered in black Sharpie scribbles. Not even fabric paint. Sharpie. That's what I call "Classy." But it's done, so who really cares?

I am going to start this beret (Scroll down a bit. Just a little more. If you're at the baking, you've gone too far!) I actually already did, but I tried to do it on DPNs. Trust, me, it's a bad idea, and I hadn't even gotten to the increase section. So I'm biting the bullet, and I will go buy myself the right length circular needle. And I will make myself use it! What yarn, you ask? Funny you should mention it....

Look familiar? Yes, that is the very yarn that I had an internal (and Blog-wise) debate about whether I should return it. I decided I would, but then I realized it would make an awesome slouchy beret thing.

And now, your "Awwwww" moment for the day:

The cutest bunny ever! Or, one of them.

Just a note, I know the pictures in this post are worse than usual, and that's because I took them in the dark. It's a bad idea. I promise you that.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

My New Favorite Thing

That would be paper piecing. I know, odd that it comes on top over things like chocolate and yarn. But right now, I am in love with this little guy:

Here is a closeup of my little teensy tiny stitches (why does the computer have a problem with 'closeup' and not 'teensy'?): 

My grandmother made my brother and I bookmarks like this one when we were younger, which I used as my model for this one. Here's mine with the one I made:

As you can see, I made mine a bit shorter, because I prefer short bookmarks. I also took out the cardstock (again, why the red line?) triangles, which I don't think she did. Then I decided it was too flimsy, so I slid a piece of paper in before I closed it.

I have also made a little progress on the amigurumi doll I was making; at this point I just have to assemble and embellish. Right now, she's sitting in timeout. I might take her out tomorrow. If I'm really bored. :)

I know what you're thinking. That is the shortest scarf ever! And you'd be quite clever, if it was a scarf. Which it isn't, at least not anymore. I decided, between the sweatiness trying to work with wool in July, the lack of something to do with it, and my boredness with the pattern, I was going to get creative. So I'm making either a pillow or a bag, depending on how big this blocks out to be. You can see the little white spaces where the styrofoam shows through holes. Those are right next to each of the cables, and I'm not sure how they got there. I definitely didn't invite them! It's fate will be decided once it's done blocking.

Have a great evening!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

That Arm is A Little Small....

I've been working on my little doll, and here is what I have so far:

One head, two legs that are attached to a waist, and half of an arm. Here is my original arm:

Yeah, it's a little small..... The second try looks like it will fit, so I'm going to keep going with that. I'm still trying to decide how all the pieces are going to fit together. I like the idea of no sewing, but I'm not sure if that's going to work with the arms. I looked at a lot of different projects on Google Images, and the arms all look like they're sewn on afterwards, so I guess that will be alright. I think I'm just going to go up the torso until it's long enough for me to attach to the head, and then add the arms.