Monday, February 25, 2013

Hot Glue and Sore Fingers

*The first time I typed the title, it came out "Sore Gingers." Not exactly what I was going for, but maybe there are some redheads out there that have been doing a lot of exercise?*

Anyway..... I've had a couple of things lying around that needed an appointment with a doctor:

Or a hot glue gun, that works too. If you can't tell, that's a TNG communicator pin (Halloween costume), a ring (that completely covers my entire finger), and an elephant that's missing part of it's trunk. The ring looks good:

You can't even tell the difference. Not sure I can say the same for this elephant, though:

It looks alright from this angle, but let's zoom in:

Yeah, you can see the glob of glue that's holding it together. Oh well, I doubt anyone's going to be scrutinizing it too closely! Lastly, I got a ton done on the TTT!

This is not the best picture (shocker) but I finished the first 19 inches, and I've done the armhole shaping, too! I'm just a few inches away from starting the neckline shaping!