Tuesday, February 5, 2013

What Day is It?

As you can probably tell from the title of this post, I'm a little confused about what day it is (which may explain why there wasn't a post yesterday). This may have something to do with the fact that my entire schedule was messed up last week and the mild state of confusion carried over to today..........

Anyway. I spent most of Sunday, not getting ready for the Superbowl, but working on this:

That actually doesn't represent that all the work I did, but this does:

I am very close, people. Very close. You know, one thing that bothers me about this project is that every time I think I have a good idea (i.e. stitching between the colored squares, or going over the stitching between the sides of the cube twice) I look at the tutorial and it's there. It makes my "bright ideas" feel a lot less special.

Regardless, I am very close to being done, and I look forward to it. For some reason, I feel this compulsion to work only on this until its completion, so work I will. I may or may not have a FO for you tomorrow. (How many times have I said that before? I mean seriously, when have I ever said that and then actually had a FO the next day?)

Oh by the way, the reason I posted that first picture was to show you that I had little jaggedy edges in the center square that have been cut out. Not as exciting as it could be. (I'm not really sure how exciting a picture like that really could be, but whatever.)
