Thursday, February 28, 2013


I just looked back at what I've posted this week, and I realized I failed to mention one kind of important thing. I've been home sick this whole week, and today was my first day back on my normal schedule. I did benefit from the huge increase in crafting time (did I mention I finished the back of TTT?) but now I have a ton of work to make up and the tables are turned. Little to no crafting time, and lots and lots of work. Oh well!

Anyway, the title of this post has a double meaning. In just 24 hours, I have developed an unhealthy obsession with The Avengers. Seriously. I've been Pinterest-stalking them and everything. Plus, my brother agreed to watch the first Iron Man movie with me tomorrow night. (Provided I do enough of the aforementioned make up work.) It's going to be awesome! (And if it's not, I may feel hurt and betrayed. I wasn't kidding when I said this wasn't healthy.

I like ending posts with random words. How about... schadenfreude?