Thursday, February 28, 2013


I just looked back at what I've posted this week, and I realized I failed to mention one kind of important thing. I've been home sick this whole week, and today was my first day back on my normal schedule. I did benefit from the huge increase in crafting time (did I mention I finished the back of TTT?) but now I have a ton of work to make up and the tables are turned. Little to no crafting time, and lots and lots of work. Oh well!

Anyway, the title of this post has a double meaning. In just 24 hours, I have developed an unhealthy obsession with The Avengers. Seriously. I've been Pinterest-stalking them and everything. Plus, my brother agreed to watch the first Iron Man movie with me tomorrow night. (Provided I do enough of the aforementioned make up work.) It's going to be awesome! (And if it's not, I may feel hurt and betrayed. I wasn't kidding when I said this wasn't healthy.

I like ending posts with random words. How about... schadenfreude?

Wednesday, February 27, 2013


A random thing before I start: I just watched the Avengers movie straight through for the first time, and I loved it! Plus, all of the male Avengers are extremely attractive. Moving on.....

Who's the man?

No, not me. I'm definitely not a man! But, I still feel awesome! I am now the proud owner of one completed back piece of a TTT. All I'm saying is, it better be really stretchy. Because I may be skinny, but I am not Queen of the Toothpicks! Actually, it kind of looks like a christening gown. Yeah, I have a twisted mind. Anyway, I'm super happy, and I'm going to start work on the front very soon.

New word: pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis. And yes, I spelled that from memory. What now!

I'm sorry. I get weird weirder than normal when I'm happy.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Don't be Deceived

Now, your first instinct when looking at this photo is probably to think, "It looks exactly the same as yesterday!" 

You, good sir, are most definitely incorrect. (Ladies, feel free to substitute a ma'am in there.) While the TTT does indeed look a lot like it did yestermorrow, be assured that it is, in fact, longer. I am now a mere 1.5 inches away from the neckline shaping. Beat that! Today I also got to join another ball of yarn. No, I haven't already used up a whole skein. I divided the first skein into two smaller balls so I could shove them into small places. Don't ask. All I did was leave a long tail of the first ball, then knit with the tail and the new yarn (except the first time I screwed up and accidentally used both tails so I had to rip it out and do it again).

The moral of the story? Check which piece of yarn you're using before you make judgements about how long my sweater is! (Or maybe it was something else.....)

Oh, and by the way? 200th post!!!! Yay!

Monday, February 25, 2013

Hot Glue and Sore Fingers

*The first time I typed the title, it came out "Sore Gingers." Not exactly what I was going for, but maybe there are some redheads out there that have been doing a lot of exercise?*

Anyway..... I've had a couple of things lying around that needed an appointment with a doctor:

Or a hot glue gun, that works too. If you can't tell, that's a TNG communicator pin (Halloween costume), a ring (that completely covers my entire finger), and an elephant that's missing part of it's trunk. The ring looks good:

You can't even tell the difference. Not sure I can say the same for this elephant, though:

It looks alright from this angle, but let's zoom in:

Yeah, you can see the glob of glue that's holding it together. Oh well, I doubt anyone's going to be scrutinizing it too closely! Lastly, I got a ton done on the TTT!

This is not the best picture (shocker) but I finished the first 19 inches, and I've done the armhole shaping, too! I'm just a few inches away from starting the neckline shaping!

Saturday, February 23, 2013


Today's post is a bit of a departure from tradition-in case you are calendar-challenged, today is Saturday. (Can we just ignore the fact that that sentence made almost no sense?) Anyway, since I missed posting yesterday and Thursday, I thought I would do a little makeup and show you what I would have posted about.

Like this!

Voila! Awesomeness has been achieved! So my plan for this weekend is basically to try to get as much done as possible in the real world while working on the TTT in between. It's a solid strategy (but bear warning, this may not result with a whole lot of progress).

Talking zebras make purple pizzas.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Still Wish I Was There

Check it out!

That's right, I did another side! I realize that doesn't sound that impressive, but I literally just did that in the last 20 minutes. Which includes the thread breaking twice. Apparently, it doesn't like being yanked on. Who knew? (Yes, I am kidding. I did know that.)

Despite the hour I spent on Monday meticulously lining up the edges, they're still a little off, so I've decided to just make it a pillow. The little tiny bubbles will help with the shape of it, and no one will ever know any different! (Except you. So no snitching, you hear?)

I did a few rows on the TTT yesterday, but nothing to get that excited about. I don't think I've even hit 14 inches yet.

So yeah, it basically looks the same....

I have found a new way to waste hours at a time: Harry Potter Pinterest boards. They're so addicting, and I can't help but say, "Just one more!" over and over and over and potato and over and over and over again. (How many of you noticed I stuck a potato in there? Ad how many of you just went back and checked?)

I'm going to end this here, and I'm definitely not going back to Pinterest. I swear. (Seriously, I need to go shower.)

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Greetings from France!

Yeah. I wish. But I do have this:

How cool is this? (Yes, this is the part where you pretend it's the best thing since sliced bread.) I got my inspiration from things like this, but I didn't actually look at one while I did this. I'm totally in love with this right now, though. Although it is taking a lot of work (everything is hand stitched), I can't wait until I have the end product. I haven't decided if I'm going to put stuffing in to make a little pillow, or leave it flat. I've done similar things before, but that was two years ago, so I don't have pictures. I might do this again, maybe with Germany, so I might make a little tutorial. Don't worry. It's simple enough that even if I write it you'll be able to figure it out! (Actually, I bet some people could just by looking at the picture.)

This was supposed to be a nice close up of my little stitches, but (shocker) it turned out blurry and I couldn't get a focused shot. I still thought it looked cool.

Guess what takes two rulers to measure?

That's right! I now have just over thirteen inches, which means less than six to go until it gets really crazy. I've never done armhole shaping before, and I'm starting to think 3x2 ribbing wasn't the best way to learn.

Do you know how to spell tchotchke? Well, you do know. See ya!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day everyone; I hope you had an awesome day! (Yeah, I just used a semicolon. Deal with it.) For dinner, my family had heart-shaped pancakes! They were awesome! Plus, I got this awesome mug. It had Yoda on it! (Look here. It's the one with Yoda on it.) It had candy hearts in it too. Best gift ever!

In regards to what I said yesterday, I have one finished lab, one completed essay, and a set of answered questions. However, I do not have anything you guys will are about. Unless you want to know why it's important to pass down wisdom and experience or the rate of acceleration of a mini Thomas the Tank Engine. (I lead an exciting life, can you tell?)

Summarizing, I had pancakes and I have no life. Shocker? I thinks not. Have a great rest of your day!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Oh, right, that too.

I'm not going to lie. I am totally and completely discombobulated. (OK, I thought there was going to be a red line, but there isn't. How awesome is that?) I took a trip to my state capitol on Monday (this one), which, while I had nothing to do on Monday afternoon, means I had a ton of stuff to catch up on today. so now I have a lab, an essay, and a whole bunch of questions to answer and not a lot of time to do it. But it was so totally worth it.

That point of that paragraph was to say that I am not going to be doing a whole bunch of work on fun things today. :( I did do a little bit of TTT last night:

I know using the same picture twice is sort of cheating, but it looks almost exactly the same, except I'm now creeping up on 11 inches. (And by the way, the thing in the top left corner is a candle in a votive holder, not a toe or something. I just realized how weird that looked.)

Tomorrow is Valentine's Day!!! Not my favorite holiday, I'm not going to lie. I did get my best friend a pencil and a fake flower. Like I always say, we're classy folk around here. :) See ya!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

It's a Box! Again!

Despite my doubts of last week, I did get a bunch done on the TTT:

I'm up to about 10 inches, which means I have about 9 1/2 inches left, I think (then a whole bunch more).

I also had fun with some glue. Do you remember this?

It's okay. I didn't really expect you to. But it's this bookend I made out of a box, then covered it in saran wrap. (Which was really stupid and lame, but after experimenting with clear nail polish I honestly couldn't think of anything else. Which was stupid.)

Finally, I realized the Mod Podge could be used as a sealant, so I tore off that plastic wrap and noticed this:

That wasn't going to fly, so before I glued it, I painted over the tape holes. However, the sharp-eyed amongst you may have noticed that the box in those pictures is already shiny. Yeah. After fixing the first set of holes and adding glue, more showed up. Not really sure why, but it doesn't really matter:

I'm much happier with this version!

As I mentioned earlier, I spent time on the TTT earlier. This is because my thoughts on Friday were totally and completely crazy. It literally took me over an hour to graph out a circle, so there is no way I will ever, in any shape or form, be able to do these. Not really sure what I was thinking, but for now I'm just going to go with these and a gift card:


Friday, February 8, 2013


I have made decent progress on the TTT, as seen in this picture:

But I do have a problem. Despite my love of this sweater, I think I'm about to become sidetracked. (Again.) One of my closest friends is about to celebrate her birthday, and she happens to be totally and completely obsessed a huge fan of the Divergent series. If you've read the books, you probably know that each faction has a symbol associated with it. (Tobias has them tattooed on his back, remember?) Anyway, I thought it would be really cool to make her something with these symbols on it, so I did some googling. No dice. So, on to Plan B: Blowing up pictures of each symbol so I can make my own cross stitch charts. That should take up most of my crafting time this weekend, so wish me luck!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

I did it!

(Please ignore the lameness of this post. I'm tired! :) )

Although this took until the very last minute, I finished:

I am beyond thrilled with how this turned out, and although it did take a while, it was definitely worth it. Tomorrow I'll start working on the TTT again, and stop obsessing over this. Maybe. Adios!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

What Day is It?

As you can probably tell from the title of this post, I'm a little confused about what day it is (which may explain why there wasn't a post yesterday). This may have something to do with the fact that my entire schedule was messed up last week and the mild state of confusion carried over to today..........

Anyway. I spent most of Sunday, not getting ready for the Superbowl, but working on this:

That actually doesn't represent that all the work I did, but this does:

I am very close, people. Very close. You know, one thing that bothers me about this project is that every time I think I have a good idea (i.e. stitching between the colored squares, or going over the stitching between the sides of the cube twice) I look at the tutorial and it's there. It makes my "bright ideas" feel a lot less special.

Regardless, I am very close to being done, and I look forward to it. For some reason, I feel this compulsion to work only on this until its completion, so work I will. I may or may not have a FO for you tomorrow. (How many times have I said that before? I mean seriously, when have I ever said that and then actually had a FO the next day?)

Oh by the way, the reason I posted that first picture was to show you that I had little jaggedy edges in the center square that have been cut out. Not as exciting as it could be. (I'm not really sure how exciting a picture like that really could be, but whatever.)
