Monday, October 29, 2012

Pumpkins and Lions

I have two FOs for you today!!! (OK, so they're two of the same thing, but that still counts, right?)

I had a little bit of a dumb moment with the ribbon. When I was cutting it, I just held it around the pumpkin and guesstimated how long it needed to be. I figured I needed eight pieces of ribbon for each pumpkin, so when I did the math, I would have run out of ribbon. I really only needed four per pumpkin, because each piece covered two grooves. Whoops! I'm really happy with how these turned out, and I got them delivered on Saturday, with plenty of time to spare.

I also worked on the Harry Potter cross stitch:

I might be able to finish this one today. But no promises.

Come on. You know you want to . Go make a Hallowig. You can probably even do it by Wednesday. Go!

To Do To Start:
  • the house emblems on my HP cross stitch
  • handsew a zipper to the brown skirt
  • sew on ten sequins every day I work on these other things