Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Thoughts About Creativity

I've been doing some thinking the last few days, and I wanted to share it with you. (Mostly it's a coverup, but don't let that dissuade you from reading this.)

What is creativity? According to this dictionary, it's ...... the ability to transcend traditional ideas, rules, patterns,relationships, or the like, and to create meaningful new ideas, forms, methods, interpretations, etc.; originality,progressiveness, or imagination...... But what does all that really mean? I don't like breaking or bending rules, so does that mean I'm not creative? There are a lot of people that can't knit or crochet much without a pattern. Does that mean we aren't creative? I love creative writing (and I'm pretty good at it, I think), so does that automatically mean I'm creative? Do people that sit and daydream all day qualify as creative? (Because a lot of people would call them lazy.) Was Einstein's work creative? He came up with new ideas, so were his scientific discoveries creative?

What do you think? Am I putting too much thought into this? (There's always the possibility that I am stark raving mad. You know that might be it.)

Today, you all have to click on this link. It leads to pictures of very cute babies!!!! Oh, and a knitting pattern. But mostly the babies!! I'm not even going to put a picture, so you all have to go look. So there. (Seriously, though, go look at the pattern for HarVest and Pumpkin HarVest from Unfurled.)

To Do To Start:
  • the house emblems on my HP cross stitch
  • handsew a zipper to the brown skirt
  • sew on ten sequins every day I work on these other things